Thursday, April 8, 2010

Weather Vocabulary Test, Science Semester 2

Weather: What's happening in the atmosphere.

Atmosphere: Blanket of gas that surrounds the Earth.

Climate: certain kind of weather in a certain place like the desert is hot and not usually cold.

3 Ingredients of Weather:
air temperature
how much water is in the air
air movement

Cloud: they're in the sky and made of water.

Cirrus: they look like feathery clouds
Cumulus: they're white puffy happy clouds
Cumulonimbus: it's an angry cloud that pushes up [in warm air] and the cold and warm is fighting together and it makes the cloud really angry and there's thunder and lightening and rain.

The Water Cycle: water in the lake on hot days it pushes up into the sky it evaporates and the water finds each other and makes a cloud in the sky. In the cloud it turns back into liquid it's called condensation and then it rains and it goes back in the river or someplace else.

Forecast: People like on TV telling about what's going to happen in the weather.

Meteorologist: Someone that studies weather.

What did you like about learning about weather? I liked learning about the three ingredients of weather.

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