Monday, April 26, 2010

Oral Report: Abraham Lincoln

1. He married a woman that was short.

2. They had 4 baby boys.

3. He was the 16th President, during the Civil War.

4. He was really really tall.

5. He made slavery illegal with the Emancipation Proclamation.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alexander Graham Bell Oral Report

1. He made a giant kite.

2. He learned about how the world worked. Like discovering what would become the telephone.

3. He discovered the telephone by accident.

4. He helped President Garfield and people that couldn't hear.

5. He could hear different sounds that other people couldn't even hear.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Civil War Oral Report

1. When President Lincoln became President he wanted it to be illegal to have slaves, so the people in the South said they wanted it to stay legal to have slaves and so they didn't want to be a part of the other [Union] anymore and a war started.

2. There was Clara Barton who helped people that got shot at in the war and she started the Red Cross and it still helps people like in Haiti today.

3. After the war President Lincoln got shot while he was watching a play.

4. This war was different than any war we've fought because there was families that had to shoot at each other in the war.

5. Hundreds of thousands of people died.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Map Testing on 13 Colonies 4.13.10

Colonies correctly identified on map: All 13

Missed: 0 13/13

How Many Colonies Can You Name?
Massachusetts, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, 9/13

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Weather Vocabulary Test, Science Semester 2

Weather: What's happening in the atmosphere.

Atmosphere: Blanket of gas that surrounds the Earth.

Climate: certain kind of weather in a certain place like the desert is hot and not usually cold.

3 Ingredients of Weather:
air temperature
how much water is in the air
air movement

Cloud: they're in the sky and made of water.

Cirrus: they look like feathery clouds
Cumulus: they're white puffy happy clouds
Cumulonimbus: it's an angry cloud that pushes up [in warm air] and the cold and warm is fighting together and it makes the cloud really angry and there's thunder and lightening and rain.

The Water Cycle: water in the lake on hot days it pushes up into the sky it evaporates and the water finds each other and makes a cloud in the sky. In the cloud it turns back into liquid it's called condensation and then it rains and it goes back in the river or someplace else.

Forecast: People like on TV telling about what's going to happen in the weather.

Meteorologist: Someone that studies weather.

What did you like about learning about weather? I liked learning about the three ingredients of weather.