Monday, March 15, 2010

Oral Report: John and Abigail Adams

They were away a lot.

Women weren't allowed to go to school and men were.

While he was helping make laws, she helped people.

She was married to a president.

John knew a lot about the world and travelled a lot.

When she was little she begged to go to school but her mother wouldn't let her, so she learned alone and home. She mostly liked to read books.

They liked to write letters.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oral Report: Vermeer

1. He liked to paint yellows and pearly whites and blues.

2. He liked to paint women, most of it's women.

3. He was born after over 10 years from when the Pilgrims landed [The Mayflower].

4. He drew pictures that looked like there was a bright light like a window by it. Because there's bright on one side and dark on the other side.

5. He painted a picture that the bread and the milk looked like real life. It was a servant girl. (The Milkmaid, ca. 1658)