Friday, November 19, 2010

Oral Report: Intro to Photojournalism/National Geographic

1.  Why is photography important to you?
I like seeing what things used to look like. I think it's fun to take pictures.  Photography also shows me other people and different places.

2. What is Photojournalism?
It's someone who makes a story with pictures.

3.  Why is National Geographic Important?
Because a long time ago people didn't get to go anywhere or see anything except for where they were.  NG went around the world and took pictures of things so people at home could see around the world.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Science Test, Q1 Grace

Explain the Scientific Process

A question, a hypothesis, experiment, theory, law.

What are three things that make a good scientist?
communicating, an observer, good at solving problems to find evidence to find solutions.


making things look bigger.

something that makes things look bigger.

a little beam of light.

Geography Q1 Test, Grace Koch

How many continents are there?

How many oceans are there?

What is a globe?
A model of the earth- a circle, round.

What is a map?
A drawing of the earth- it's flat.

What is a Compass Rose?
It's a thing that shows you where North, East, South, and West are. (Also just answered the 4 directions on the C.R.)

What is an entrance?
A way to get in to a park or something.

Explain Location.
The place where you are.

What is a Map Key?
Little pictures that show places on the map.

What is a symbol in the Map Key?
The little pictures in the map key.

How do you use a Map Grid?
There is a bunch of squares that you go down the line to find a place.  The rows are labeled with a letter and a number.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oral Report: Claude Monet

He was an impressionist painter.
He liked to paint water lilies in his garden.
Most of his pictures were outside, if there were people in his pictures they were usually outside in nature.
Claude Debussy was an impressionist composer who lived the same time as Monet and Debussy liked impressionist painters.
He was from France and his Mom and Dad wanted him to work at the store for them but he wanted to be a painter and then he found another painter who helped him know how to use oil paints.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Two Hours Later

I cried.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oral Report: Frederick Douglass

1. He was born a slave.

2. He worked to stop slavery.

3. He wrote about slavery.

4. He escaped from slavery to the North. People with dogs were looking for him. He got caught, and went to jail and thought of a plan and eventually did escape to the North.

5. He got taken away from his mother. By himself, he learned to write and read.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oral Report: Abraham Lincoln

1. He married a woman that was short.

2. They had 4 baby boys.

3. He was the 16th President, during the Civil War.

4. He was really really tall.

5. He made slavery illegal with the Emancipation Proclamation.